Adversities in our society and a way out
In my imaginations, I establish and ascertain a thought of diving into the ethos of liberty, sense of freedom & free will. A society if not provided with social, political equality in a narcissistic society, which seems far too impossible to establish, but at least we can create a society where both haves and have-nots should be provided equal opportunity based on education, employment, & medical care, where the sense of life should not be limited to materialistic things, rather it should be for the good cause and for the greater good of our upcoming generation, who can at the last breath into free air, without any force of being loyal to the authoritarian and its sympathisers for basic amenities.
Now, before one thinks about establishing such a society within the circle where we are born & bred, the first and the foremost thing that we need to do is to get rid of corruption, favouritism, nepotism altogether, we are all equal and I dont believe we should give respect to someone based on his financial growth or the assets that he's holding within a society or in a community, rather it should be based on his knowledge, ethics, integrity, morality and his calibre of enriching the society with all the goods with a positive approach and after establishing such kind of society, we will be able to eradicate all kinds of grave social evils like drug abuse, corruption, community-driven hatred, women trafficking, child sex abuse etc.
The society in which we are living right now has rotten to the extreme level we can't change it and even we aren't ready to change it because we have adapted, accepted and we are now addicted to live in this kind of society because we are looking for such kind of life, where we shouldn't find ourselves bounded by things like morality, integrity, honesty, where we have to give respect to someone who's not financially sound but he stands out to be a man of knowledge, integrity, morality and honesty. In our kind of society, we don't value such things, we adopt the materialistic ways of living and our new generation is falling into the same trap of materialism. Many societies were ruined by materialism, like in England when the industrial revolution took place, it had a profound effect upon society in the United Kingdom. It gave rise to the working and middle classes and allowed them to overcome the long-standing economic oppression that they had endured for centuries beneath the gentry and nobility. However, while employment opportunities increased for common working people throughout the country and members of the middle class were able to become business owners more easily, the conditions workers often laboured under were brutal. Further, many of them were barely able to live off of the wages they earned. During this time, the industrial factory was created, which, in turn, gave rise to the modern city. Conditions within these factories were often deplorable and, by today’s standards, unethical: manufacturers frequently used children for labour purposes and labourers were required to work long hours. Conditions were often dangerous, if not deadly. A group of people in the United Kingdom known as the Luddites felt that industrialization was ultimately inhumane and took to protesting and sometimes sabotaging industrial machines and factories. While industrialization led to incredible technological developments throughout the Western world, many historians now argue that industrialization also caused severe reductions in living standards for workers both within the United Kingdom and throughout the rest of the industrialized Western world. However, the new middle and working classes that industrialism had established led to urbanization throughout industrial cultures, drastic population increases, and the introduction of a relatively new economic system known as capitalism. Industrialization seemed to exemplify humankind’s ability to dominate and manipulate nature by understanding (through science) its laws. It also spurred cultural developments, as it enabled the cheaper production of books and other printed materials, gave members of the middle-class more leisure time, and made consumer goods more affordable and accessible for many.
Now the question arises here how can we establish such type of a society which should be opposite to the present one, in our society, there is no book culture we dont read books other than those which are prescribed in our syllabus, like alpha, beta, gamma rays, quantum mechanics, mitochondria, cell division, chemical reactions, Akbar, Babar stories in our early days we get surrounded by these idiosyncrasies, from the early days of our schooling we are being taught about how to crack an exam, how to get good grades but we are not being prepared like how to see off the storms in our lives, how to do good with others like things. Presently we spend a hefty amount of money on the schooling of our kids but what do they get to learn in their schools? Are they being taught how to live a life based on morality? Are they being prepared to be ready to face all the challenges of life? Teachers are the torch bearers of every society and nation. You can't change anything unless we change the infertile soil to a fertile one with good quality of nutrients, the plant will only bear good fruits unless you water it regularly and use good soil and fertilisers for its good growth and if it's being attacked by the pests, you are supposed to use good quality of pesticides as well, and same goes with our society we need good teachers who can guide our new generation towards a welfare state, where we can only think about doing good with others without harming anyone. Such a society will change the whole system once established, we will never wish to turn back into this mess, even though we are highly addicted to social evils but once the quality of life improves within all the sections of the society, no one will bother to get attracted towards corruption, materialism, communism, capitalism, but it's easy to say but practically it's very hard to found such a society on the principals of humanity but not impossible. Like in the United Kingdom to fight against the so-called Industrial Revolution, a movement called Romanticism developed in the United Kingdom. Many English intellectuals and artists in the early 19th century considered industrialism inhumane and unnatural and revolted – sometimes quite violently – against what they felt to be the increasingly inhumane and unnatural mechanization of modern life. Poets such as Lord Byron – particularly in his addresses to the House of Lords – and William Blake – most notably in his poem “The Chimney Sweeper” – spoke out and wrote extensively about the psychological and social effects of the new industrial world upon the individual and felt rampant industrialization countered the human spirit and intrinsic rights of men. To a large extent, English Romantic intellectuals and artists felt that the modern industrial world was harsh and deadening to the senses and spirit. These intellectuals called for a return, both in life and in spirit, of the emotional and natural, as well as the ideals of the pre-industrial past.
To fight off the evils in our society we need such kind of a movement headed by the intellectuals of our society, and teachers can play an important role in leading from the front so that we can prepare the new generation in a certain way that their every decision should be based on the grounds of morality, integrity and honesty with a touch of humanity. In our kind of present society, humanity can't be found anywhere except in the books which we have stopped reading now and we are more concentrated only on entertaining ourselves with movies and soaps, we are treading on a path of destruction and we all saw what happened with the breakout of covid-19, mother nature is reminding us for the sins that we are committing against each other and the mother nature but still we aren't learning. The clock is ticking and the time is running out for us, we must act before everything gets vanished.